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A few months ago I read a book titled Crazy Love by Francis Chan. My life was changed because of it. Recently I was reminded of this book and I decided to read it again. I've made it through 6 chapters and it's as if I'm reading it for the first time. As did the first time I read it, every chapter has made me step back and examine my life, and has challenged me to love unconditionally...

A concept that I've struggled with my entire life (and probably always will) is God's unconditional love. I just don't get it. I am sinner. Always have been and always will be. But yet God always has and always will love me with a love so deep and so powerful that even the grave couldn't stop it. "...broken and poured out all for love. Love so amazing!"

Crazy Love has challenged me on the whole concept of unconditional love. Not only does God love us unconditionally, but the same unconditional love that God has for us is the same love that He calls (commands) us to love people with. The fleshly part of me only wants to love people that I know. But we are called (commanded) to love everyone with the same unconditional love that God shows us. Yes, we are even commanded to love the people driving 55 mph in a 70 mph zone! :) For it is our unconditional love for people that allows Jesus to be revealed throughout the nations. But I know that without the help of Christ, I will invariably and ultimately fail at every attempt to love unconditionally. Praises that His grace is sufficient!

And lastely, I am to have an unconditional love for God. I am reminded of how many times I've become angry with God because things didn't turn out my way. Or the time that I completely turned from God because of (what I thought to be) his 'lack' of action in my life. "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength." Again, we are commanded to love unconditionally...God and people. I know there will be times I will fail, but I MUST give Him everything! That is what He expects. He won't settle for less.

Love God. Love People. Reach the World.

1 Comment:

  1. Sandy Helms Kamdyn's Nanny said...
    You are so wise beyond your years. I love reading your posts.

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