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Earlier today, as I was listening to random songs on my iTunes, I was reminded of how great traditional hymns are. Growing up, I sang hymns every Sunday; and honestly I didn't like it very much. But know that I'm older, I'm able to appreciate the beautiful and powerful lyrics of these wonderful songs. While I love contemporary music, and actually rarely sing hymns anymore, there's just something about the wording of hymns that can never be replaced. (Although I have to add, I absolutely DESPISE playing hymns strait from the hymnal! It's so difficult to make it sound good). But anyways, below I listed some of my favorite lines from a few of the more popular hymns. I could make a whole book on ALL the lyrics that are worthy of being mentioned. Just go pick up a hymnal and turn to any page if you're interested in knowing what they are!

Amazing grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost but know I'm found. Was blind but now I see.

By God’s Word at last my sin I learned;
Then I trembled at the law I’d spurned,
Till my guilty soul imploring turned to Calvary
...redeeming love has been my theme, and shall be 'till I die
O victory in Jesus,My Savior, forever. He sought me and bought me With His redeeming blood

While I was searching the Internet earlier for a quote that Pastor Brent mentioned in his sermon this morning (btw, great job Brent), I came across a passage from an article titled "Raising Our Evangelistic Temperature: Necessary Practices". This is not the passage I was looking for but I felt it was worth sharing:

Obey the commands of Scripture. Mark 1:17-18 says, "And Jesus said to them, 'Follow Me, and I will make you become fishers of men.' Immediately they left their nets and followed Him." In Matthew 28:18-20 Jesus commanded his followers, "All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and know, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Sharing the good news with lost people is not optional! Do you know what is wrong with the church? Our concept of spiritual maturity is all messed up! We measure spiritual maturity by church attendance, how much Bible knowledge a person has, what position a person occupies in the church and how far he keeps himself from drinking, smoking, and swearing! I think Jesus would have us measure spiritual maturity more on the basis of how we are obeying the Great Commandment--to love God and others--and the Great Commission--helping lost people to become fully-devoted followers of Jesus Christ.
"Love God, Love people, reach the world." That's part of the mission statement of the church I attend. As you can see, it lines right up with the scripture. I think it's sad how so many of the "Christians" in today's world actually believe that going to church makes you a follower of Christ. Growing up, I often had that mentality. I thought that doing "good" meant that I knew Christ. But I didn't. I had no clue what it meant to have a true, genuine realtionship with the creator of this universe; to know the one who forgives all sin, and yet could be my best friend. I thank God every day for sending people into my life who believed and followed the above scriptues; who reached out to me when I was so far from God, helping me to become a fully-devoted folllower of Jesus.

My lecture this morning was titled "Spirituality and Beliefs". Going into this class I wasn't sure what to expect because I do attend a "secular" college. My initial expectation was for the lecture to be very vague, as to not step on any one's toes by somehow exalting one belief system over another. However, I was very impressed at how the professor handled this subject. Instead of explaining every religion out there and trying to reason through all of the various beliefs in the world, she focused more on what spirituality is rather than religion. She made sure to explain the distinct separation and difference in spirituality and religion. Spirituality is the essence of who we are and what we believe. Whereas religion is a organized system of beliefs. (My interpretation, religion will get you absolutely nowhere! it means nothing of eternal value). I love how my professor noted 3 core issues of spirituality: faith, hope, and love. She took a strong stance, noting that all 3 are true with any belief system. Although she didn't reference it to any scriptures (even though she certainly made it known she was a Christian), I knew that it lined right up with the Word of God (1 Corinthians 13). To sum it up, she said that religion is born out of spirituality. Of course, the lecture was tied in to patient care and how the patients spiritual stance affects the care given and health of the patient, seeing as it was a nursing class. But all in all, I really enjoyed the class. And I think the professor did too. One thing that suprised me was toward the end of the class, the professor asked how many of us would feel comfortable praying with a patient if the patient asked us to. Shockingly, of a class of 48, only about 6 people raised their hand! The field of nursing is so service and care orientated that I expected more of a response. I just assumed that everyone else was entering this career field for the same reason I am; because they love God with all their heart. Therefore they love people and have compassion for them, just as the Lord commanded. But I guess I was wrong. Anyways, I just felt like sharing this brief summary...

Well, apparently there is some way that rain water is getting in my car. I didn't know this until I picked up my bookbag off of the floor board today and all its contents were completely saturated with water. That is an $80 Pharmaclogy book, two notebooks, and about 200 notecards. Not to mention about 50 pages of loose leaf notes of powerpoint presentations. The pic above shows my solution of trying to salvage anything possible. Studying for my final exam should be interesting!

O Lord, you have examined my heart and know everything about me. You know when I sit down or stand up. You know my thoughts even when I'm far away... Search me, O God. Point out anything in me that offends you, and lead me along the path of everlasting life. Psalm 139: 1-2, 23-24

As of today at 11:30am, I was offically done with clinicals for the semester. PTL, I am so excited!! Hopefully I won't have to set foot in a nursing home again for a long time. Although, I did kind of enjoy it. Old people are so sweet :)

I never thought I'd say this, but today I actually had the best blended mocha drink that I've ever had--and it wasn't Starbucks! Who knew that the coffee shop inside of Border's could make something so delicious. And to make things even better, they topped it with CHOCOLATE whipped cream :) Although, about 10 minutes later, I regretted getting it because somehow the chocolate whipped cream magically jumped out of the cup and onto my ALL WHITE nursing uniform!!!!! I sure hope bleach works!

Sorry I haven't updated in a few days. But I think I've hit somewhat of a writer's block. I keep trying to think of something to blog about, but nothing has come up. After church this morning I attempted to wrtie something about today's sermon and the impact it had on me, but I realized I probably had enough to write a book! So, no blog of importance today. Maybe I'll think of something good tomorrow...

Since yesterday afternoon I've been a little sick with some type of stomach virus or something. Luckily, I started feeling better a couple of hours ago. But now that I'm able to actually eat without ending up in the bathroom 30 minutes later, I've had this ridiculous craving for candy corn! Conveniently, I had a bag of it at my house. Lets just say I feel like I just ate my weight in those things...crazy! Now I really feel sick...go figure...

I just watched the movie Fireproof and it was absolutely amazing! The acting could have been a little better, but all in all, it was an AWESOME movie. Over the past couple of years I've seen almost every movie that has came to theaters, but I can't remember the last time I saw a movie that was so uplifting and encouraging! Everyone must see this one...

I can't tell any details, but a patient in a local hospital had a baby girl and named her the name you see above. If you were to see these letters as the first name of a female, how would you pronounce it? My first guess would be to pronounce it like Lea is spelled or like Lay-a. But nope, not even close! Believe it or not, it is actually pronounced
Ledasha...can you believe that!?! I would love to know what y'all think of this...

I just heard this song by Chris Tomlin called Jesus Messiah. I'm not sure if it's new or not, but it's new to me because I've never heard it. The words are so powerful. I have 'em listed below incase you haven't heard it yet. The first line of this song is my favorite. "He became sin, who knew no sin." Even though Christ was tempted by the devil (for 40 days in the desert, to be exact), He NEVER sinned. Yet He was willing to DIE for the sin of you and I! I know this is a very basic concept, something I've been taught since birth. But I don't think I will ever be able to fully grasp Christ's love for us; none of us can. I guess that's why I love this song so much. It's simple!--when the idea of Christ's love for us can many times seem very overwhelming! Jesus Messiah by Chris Tomlin He became sin, who knew no sin That we may become His righteouness He humbled himself and carried the cross Love so amazing, Love so amzing Jesus Messiah Name above all names Blessed redeemer, Emmanuel Who resuced for sinners, the ransom from heaven Jesus Messiah, Lord of all His body the bread, His blood the wine broken and poured out all for love the whole earth trembled and the veil was torn All our hope is in you, all our hope is in you All the glory to you, God The light of the world

Since the semester has started, I believe this is the first weekend I've had where I haven't had to do school work. And to be honest, I don't know what to do with myself! I worked this morning but now I'm just sitting at home thinking "um, what do I do now?" Thank goodness I have a family get-together tonight or I'd lose my mind! haha, maybe I'm exaggerating a little...but it does feel nice not having to bother with all my textbooks. (all 14 of them)

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