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Today I spent 9 hours on an L&D ward; 5 of those hours ended up being in one delivery. However, oddly enough, today was one of the best days I've had in a long time!(and the reason I say "oddly" is because up until today I was completely dreading this rotation. I'm not a baby person and I don't have much patience. So the thought of a long labor process and a baby was just a little more than I thought I could handle.) But, seeing the miracle of life is so overwhelming. I think the reason I enjoyed it so much is because even in the midst of all the screaming, crying, rushing around, and chaos, my mind today was completely focused on God; on who He is as a Creator, Father, and strength in time of weakness. All day I kept silently praising and thanking God for his beautiful creation. Today I had a big change of heart. And I love it! Who knows, I may even consider having kids one day...(and trust me, that's a BIG change!) I love how God works.

"I know that you are for me.
I know that you are for me.
I know that you will never forsake me in my weaknesses.
I know that you have come now.
Even if to write upon my heart, who you are."

I just love these lyrics! Just knowing that God is always here for me is almost more than I can comprehend. I know this sounds silly, but there are times when I just stop and think, and ask God "why??" "Why are you always here for me? Why do you love me so much? I have done nothing to deserve your kindness and grace. Why do you love such a horrible sinner like me?". It's at times like that I am so grateful for the peace that the Holy Spirit brings. Peace in knowing that I am loved. Peace in knowing that God will never let me down. Peace in knowing God is enough for me. :)

And let me just say that I LOVE the way God works!! The past two months have been the most amazing months of my life. I have finally come to know what a relationship with Jesus Christ really means. God showed up at the most unexpected time and completely changed me. I've tried to write words to explain the change that has happened, but none do my heart justice...

My parents took me out to the Snug tonight and it was off-the-chain! I had the most amazing, delicious prime-rib I've ever eaten! It's definitely a place that everyone needs to try. Well, have to go for now. I have lots and lots of studying to do for a big test on Monday. Wish me luck!

I love my life...I love how God is always present. I love how he continues to reveal things to me...just sayin'!

I saw a news story today with the headline "Legalizing Sin". I didn't get the whole story, but it was basically about certain states trying to legalize gambling. The title to this story struck me as being very if it's okay to sin as long as it's legal. And in all actuality, many people do think that the "little" sins don't really matter. Only the "big" sins count; like murder, adultery, etc. I've even caught myself believing this at times. However, anything that causes God to be second best in our life is sin. Scripture even says that we are enslaved to sin when apart from Christ. Doesn't that mean all sin is illegal because we are imprisoned for it?! Praise God for the redemptive power of His love!! My prayer is that this nation, including myself, would begin to realize the severity of sin. There is no Supreme Court judge or Congress to decide which sin is "legal". However, there is an amazing God willing to forgive every sin and set you free!!

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