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I've been trying to write a new post for the past few days. There is so much good stuff happening in my life but I just can't seem to put the right words to it. It may be because of mental exhaustion from school, or having too much on my mind; but I'm lead to believe it's because there are no words that can do justice in explaining the greatness of God and the 'this-far' work he is doing in me...

If there is one thing that I've learned recently and one biblical truth that I have tightly clung to, it is this:  Jesus is all I need and He is ALWAYS for me. He is always on my side, helping me to do this thing called 'life'.

Healer by Hillsong

You hold my every moment, you calm my raging seas.
You walk with me through fire, and heal all my disease.
I trust in you. I trust in you.

I believe you're my healer.
I believe you're my portion.
I believe you're more than enough for me.

Nothing is impossible for you.
You hold my world in your hands.

You Are For Me by Kari Jobe (chorus)

I know that you are for me, I know that you are for me.
I know that you will never forsake me in my weakness.
I know that you have come now even if to write upon my heart
to remind me of who you are.

I'm sure most have heard the saying "when one door is closed, another is opened" or something to that effect. But I think often times the hardest part is letting doors be closed in the first place. So often God will close a door, make it loud and clear to me that it is closed, and yet I continue to fight to keep it open...or even reopen the door later on down the road...

For the past few days a good friend of mine has been challenging me to not let any of the 'closed doors' be reopened. For me it comes in the form of relationships and offenses. For you it may be hurts, offenses, attached emotions, etc. Whatever it may be, I just want to encourage you to keep those doors closed! I know how easy it is to let the little things gradually nudge that door open again. Even if another door isn't immediately opened, we must trust that God will bring contentment with the doors that are still open. He always has our best interest in mind, whether we believe so or not. And His will is always right! Stay strong. The reward is coming, and is much greater than we could ever imagine!

I know this is a day late, but...

A friend recently shared this scripture with me. I've read it before, but Hebrews 12 is one of those passages that is continually life changing and encouraging. I recommend that everyone take the time to read it.

...1 let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us...2a Because of the joy awaiting Him, he endured the cross, disregarding its shame...3 think of all the hostility he endured from sinful people; then you won't become weary and give up. 4 You have not yet struggled and fought agonizingly against sin, nor have you yet resisted and withstood to the point of pouring out your own blood.

...5 and have you forgotten the encouraging words God spoke. He said "my child, don't make light of the Lord's discipline, and don't give up when he corrects you. 6 For the Lord disciplines those he loves..."7 As you endure this discipline, remember that God is treating you as his own children...11 no discipline is enjoyable while it is happening- it's painful! But afterward there will be a peaceful harvest of right living for those who are trained in this way...

Keep pushing on!

As a way to do better with blogging, I'm going to start blogging a whole new way. My goal is to blog at least 3 days every week. So I have picked 3 days and assigned each a topic...

Monday: YouTube Video. Every Monday I am going to post a video that I found on You Tube. It could be funny, embarrassing, sad, or serious. I'm going to try and keep things on the happy and encouraging side, but I'll just have to play it by ear.

Wednesday: Biblical Truth. Every Wednesday I am going to write about a biblical truth that I've encountered recently. It could be a verse from scripture, highlight points from Sunday's Sermon, or even lyrics of a song.

Saturday: News and Politics. I am leaving this category very open and broad. It could include anything about World news, local news, Obama's actions or plans, or interesting stories about celebrities.

I'm not promising that I will post every Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday. But I am going to try my best! :)

Well, summer school is in full swing and my mind is continually being filled with new information about nursing. Things are starting to get difficult and my schedule is starting to get pretty hectic. Not only have I been struggling with school, but relationships seem to be getting more strained, and God has been continually exposing the not-so-good things in my life. But the crazy thing is, I've never felt more peace than I do right now in this season of life! I've found peace in every decision I've made, every conversation I've had, and every opportunity that I've taken (or not taken). I know that this is all God's doing. The peace that he has brought to my mind, soul, and spirit is a continuous reminder of his grace and mercy. I LOVE the way He works!

Well, I've gotta get back to paperwork. Just thought I'd update while it was on my mind. :)

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