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I wanted to share a frustrating, but yet funny, story with y'all...

So, my church is having a Ladies Tea tomorrow in honor of Mother's day. The past couple of days I have been helping Karla prepare for the event. Well, yesterday she took 12 tablecloths to a local dry-cleaners to have pressed; so that everything looked top-notch for the event. After picking them up and paying $56 for the pressing, we attempt to put them on the tables at the church. But we soon noticed that the tablecloths were in fact just as wrinkled and creased as before they were "pressed". So we take them back to the dry-cleaners to try and work the situation out. We go into the establishment and explain to one of the employees the dilemma; Karla nicely asks that she either get a refund or they press the cloths again. After a few minutes of conversation, the lady walks to the back and gets this man (I'm guessing her boss). He comes out and explains to us that they cannot get creases out of fabric! (which I've yet to fully understand). We argue for a few mintues about the meaning of the word "pressed", but seem to be getting nowhere with the employees. Then, without saying anything to Karla or me, this man starts taking each tablecloth off the hanger, unfolds all of them, wads each one up and puts it on the counter. In the meantime, Karla and I are confusingly looking at each other, wondering how his actions are going to solve the problem. Eventually, Karla asks the man what he was doing, and (pointing to the stack of hangers on the counter) he says "these are mine!"....
result: Karla receives a refund and we iron the tablecloths ourselves.


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