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Well, summer school is in full swing and my mind is continually being filled with new information about nursing. Things are starting to get difficult and my schedule is starting to get pretty hectic. Not only have I been struggling with school, but relationships seem to be getting more strained, and God has been continually exposing the not-so-good things in my life. But the crazy thing is, I've never felt more peace than I do right now in this season of life! I've found peace in every decision I've made, every conversation I've had, and every opportunity that I've taken (or not taken). I know that this is all God's doing. The peace that he has brought to my mind, soul, and spirit is a continuous reminder of his grace and mercy. I LOVE the way He works!

Well, I've gotta get back to paperwork. Just thought I'd update while it was on my mind. :)


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