I'm sure most have heard the saying "when one door is closed, another is opened" or something to that effect. But I think often times the hardest part is letting doors be closed in the first place. So often God will close a door, make it loud and clear to me that it is closed, and yet I continue to fight to keep it open...or even reopen the door later on down the road...
For the past few days a good friend of mine has been challenging me to not let any of the 'closed doors' be reopened. For me it comes in the form of relationships and offenses. For you it may be hurts, offenses, attached emotions, etc. Whatever it may be, I just want to encourage you to keep those doors closed! I know how easy it is to let the little things gradually nudge that door open again. Even if another door isn't immediately opened, we must trust that God will bring contentment with the doors that are still open. He always has our best interest in mind, whether we believe so or not. And His will is always right! Stay strong. The reward is coming, and is much greater than we could ever imagine!
1 Comment:
- Sandy Helms said...
Thu Jun 18, 04:17:00 PMVery good thoughts Kristin. You are very wise for your age.