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New seasons of life bring about a new everything. New joys, friends, loves, activities, jobs, degrees, battles, struggles, and pains. There have been times that I love where I am in life. And others that I pray for God to bring a new season. But I'm learning that every season may not be a joyous one and we may not understand or like it, but nonetheless, it is here and we must live through it. Even more importantly, we must not forget that God is still God and we must trust that He brings us to every season because it is His will. That simple fact means we always have a reason to be joyous and are always commanded to offer our praise to Him. Regardless of our present situations, we must remember who God is and that He is always here. He knows what is best.

Desert Song by Hillsong:

All of my life, in every season

you are still GOD and I have a reason to sing

I have a reason to worship.

For the past few weeks, Augusta has seemed to turn into a big clump of detours. And I'm not just talking about the I-20/Bobby Jones mess. I've been running into detours everywhere!

For instance, I live out by the airport. As I was headed to school today, and was only about 1 mile from my house, I was detoured from Hwy56 because of an accident that closed all 4 lanes. So I made a quick turn, hoping I could jump on 56-spur and go the back way to school. Well, all was going good until I was almost to Gordon Hwy, where I was then detoured because of road construction. To make a long story short, a trip that is usually about 14 miles/ 20 minutes, turned into 19 miles/ 35 minutes. Needless to say, I was late to class today.

And don't even get me started on the 1-20/Bobby Jones construction disaster! I seriously think someone totally screwed up the construction blue prints for that area. Road closings and detours keep increasing in number, while the number of workers appear to be decreasing. There seems to be no end it sight.

I'm currently reading a book titled Crazy Love by Francis Chan (definitely a MUST read!). Below, I posted a video that He asked all the readers to watch. I've watched it several times and still don't know what to think. I am so awed by how BIG God really is!

What you think?

My life recently has been super crazy. I believe I've reached a limit I never knew existed. But thankfully, by God's grace, I'm learning to say "no" and to not worry about things I can't control. I can't control the amount of school work I'm assigned, but I can control what I do with my time. And even more importantly, I can't control other peoples actions, but I can control my response. In the midst of all the craziness that seems to be my life right now, I am calmed by the sweet, sweet spirit of the Lord. If you're part of my twitter or facebook, I'm sure you've seen how much I LOVE Kari Jobe's lyrics. So here's another:

Father, I love your ways.

You came in your mercy and died in my place.

All I can do is bow.

Because of your goodness and your soverign Grace

that you sweep me away, sweep me away in your love

when nothing else matters.

God is all that matters! Everything else is rubbish. I once heard a pastor say that if something doesn't have eternal value, then it's eternally useless. And if I think about the real reason I was brought to life, literally "all I can do is bow!" No words necessary. I am swept away in God's love for me; his patience, kindness, grace, mercy, strength, sovereignty, and everything else that makes God's love so different than love that any person can show.

Good Friday...such a paradox. Death and Life. Crucifixion and Freedom.

A man who knew no sin became sin for the world so that we may live. He became MY sin so I may be forgiven. On this one day, true Love was shown its bounds (or lack of).

"There is love that came for us.
Humbled to a sinners cross.
You broke my shame and sinfulness.
You rose again victorous."

Easter...victory over death; Christ is RISEN! It's a promise of God's love to us. My heart shouts praise to the Lord, for He is good. And I know that the same power that conquered the grave, lives in me! PRAISE GOD!

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